Burland Homeowners
Scholarships - We believe in supporting our members, and we believe in education. Each year, the HOA awards a $5000 college scholarship to a Burland HOA member's Platte Canyon HS or home-schooled PCHS are graduating senior.
It is the intent of the Burland Homeowners' Association, inc to pay $1,250 each year for a period of four (4) years or the length of time for graduation or certification from his/her chosen college/university/trade school/hospital not to exceed a four (4) year period. The recipient will be required to submit proof of continuing education and proof of continued success in school prior to the beginning of each school year in order to qualify for the $1,250 for that year, along with a specific address for mailing continued scholarship check. If a student is placed on academic probation, he/she will be disqualified for the scholarship. All payments will be made to the Registrar of chosen higher education institution.
Scholarship Calendar:
Application deadline extended to May 15th, 2024
Interviews between May 15th and May 18th
Flume article to be published the end of May
Scholarship awarded May 20th
Eligibility: Academic scholarship application for a graduating Burland HOA member's Platte Canyon High School senior or home schooled PCHS area graduate.
Criteria: Name, Personal Information, GPA, Class Standing, Attendance, Goals, Extra Curricular Activities, Jobs, Community Activities, Letter's of Recommendation, Scholarships Applied For, Letters of Acceptance.
Application: Click for Application Form
Award Information: Applications are evaluated by a panel of Burland Homeowners Association members. The BHOA panel then interviews each applicant. The applicant chosen will receive notice of award at the annual PCHS Awards Night.
Other Requirements: Scholarship awardees must attend awards nights and consent to a photograph that may be used in public relations, the association's newsletter and in our other media.
Past Scholarship Awardees:
Chism Mattson - (2014)
Rosie Cook - (2015)
Jarrod Puseman - (2016)
Danielle Schaad - (2017)
Alison Kulesza - (2018)
Joshua Rummelhart - (2019)
Eleigha Hamri - (2020)
Chole Petitpas - (2021)
Illectra Dixon - (2022)
Jeremiah Armstrong (2023)